Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I've been told I have a short life line.

According to a Scientific American podcast, "time" is the most used word in the English language. Time is an awful thing really. It wasn't as important before the Industrial Revolution, which is when time-based sports like football and basketball became popular, whereas baseball, an untimed game, is a farm sport. But I digress.
I've been thinking about my time and how I've been spending (or wasting) it. All I care about lately is roller derby and relationships. I'd rather spend my time skating than anything else. And I spend a bit too much time worrying about men and the effects certain ones have on my life.
One thing I don't spend enough time on is my school work. I spend the times I should be in class, sleeping. I spend the time I should be studying anf reading, drinking and playing video games. For instance, I have a test and a paper due on Friday, but I;m going to rush them early so I can spend Thursday night at Eastside's karaoke contest. Because that's more important to me.
This lack of "class time" is going to effect what I'm doing with my time in the future. If I don't get my grades up, I will get kicked out of school. I will have to move back home with my parents and I will have to give up derby because of that. My realization is that how I spend my time now directly determines my future times. If I don't use my time effectively, I won't get to have any fun later.
And this brings me back to relationships. As I am getting older, I start to think about settling down after graduation. If I start seeing someone now, especially someone older, by the time I graduate we'll have been together for a year and a half. Settling ready, right? The problem is, right now I'm not ready to settle. Though I want to be in a relationship, once I get in one all I can see are the the things and men I can't have. I don't want to miss out on any time I could spend with someone. But at the same time, what about the time I could spend in love?
I recently decided that I want to spend my time in social servitude, a career where you aren't paid nearly enough for your time. Either teaching the forgotten or just doing all I can to better the lives of the lower class. "Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." I'm not sure what God ans time have in store for me, I think that's what scares me the most.


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Collin said...

hey, just found your blog 'cause we apparently are the only two people with "shit son" in our music interests. Carry on.
