Thursday, February 14, 2008

here's what I think about today.

Is it really the day? There isn't anything to say about Valentine's Day that hasn't been said so many times. We've all heard the argument that it's just a greeting card holiday, it's a singles awareness day, that love should be proclaimed anyways and not just once a year. We've heard the complaints that our society places too much importance on romantic relationships. We've heard the moans and groans of singles on this day, and I call for a change in perspective on this day.
The February fourteenths of childhood are really ideal. You give a small card and candy to everyone in your class; everyone is equally loved! Maybe you save the best cards for your best friends, maybe you give them two candies or stickers. Your daddy gives you a card and a little token of his love. He's the most important man in your life. But by middle school, things have become complicated.
Most of my Valentine's are forgettable. In fact, it took me dozens of minutes to remember the V-day picnic my senior year boyfriend surprised me with. Maybe other years I got a flower, but more than likely I just let it pass. Junior year was a big one though. The week leading up to it, I left notes and poems on the car and in the locker of my hardcore crush, a senior we'll call Lank. I was the props master and set worker for a play he was acting in. Finally, on the big Fourteenth, I placed a box of chocolate and another love note in his costume box. I couldn't talk to the man, so a few days later I left a note in his coat pocket revealing myself as the admirer. He later told me he was flattered, and we never spoke again. Imagine my horror when we ran into each other almost four years later at a house party.
The point is, that Valentine's Day felt like it had the potential to be life-changing, but the memory of it, like the memories of the Valentine's before and since, will pass out of my memory banks (I had actually completely forgotten about him until the aforementioned house party.) These Valentine's Days may feel important on this day, but in a week, no one's going to care what you did (including you!)
In my personal opinion, Valentine's Day should be shared with the people you love. Yes, it might remind you that you're single, but hopefully you will also realize that you're not alone. Give a token to your best friend, call your mother and grandmother, remind yourself of the other loves of your life. Do something you love. Send a card to an old friend or invite some fellow singles over for dinner. Valentine's Day should be spent loving youself, spent with the people you love, and doing something good, full of love, for the rest of the world.


Mike Tigas said...
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Mike Tigas said...

Heh, a quote from the Fugue last night:

"I don't think there's anyone else I'd rather drink and be lonely with [than the people here]."

It's true, what you say. It was a bit late, but last night I decided to talk to some people I hadn't spoken to in a while. I returned some things I borrowed a long time ago. I did some things for myself. I just relaxed and took a break from shit.

As depressed as Valentine's Day used to make me (it's an ex-girlfriend's birthday, oh lord), I think I finally grew up somewhere along the line.

Happy Valentine's day, eh?