Friday, August 10, 2007

Someone is puking out on Ninth Street

I've been trying to find something to put here for ages. I wanted to write something interesting and thought-provoking, mixed with the combine comedic power of the Sedaris children.
Instead, i have:
-bought more clothes than I could ever need.
-fallen back into and out of alcoholism.
-started what could turn out to be a rather dull relationship.

Let's discuss the last note there. A boy and I have begun dating and agreed we're not ready for anything serious. To me, that means basically everything boyfriends do, but no rules involving infedelity. To him, "not serious" means smoking a lot, macking, and passing out. Oh language barriers. But much like this blog, my relationship is less than ideal.
But I began to think, what's wrong with this picture? Here I am, with an attractive guy who's into me (and who I have been attracted to for quite some time)and he's not ashamed to show it (he, in fact, got all up on me at a concert when he saw another boy attempt to) and doesn't want to tie me down. Why the need for thrills when i can have a relationship minus those nasty frills? I realized that right now, life doesn't need to be inriguing in order to be enjoyable. Hopefully the same holds true for this post.

As for publishing something interesting, I am currently working on:
-American Dream stories.
-toying with the idea of being completely honest for a week.
-going all Bridget Jones style and boring you with relationship advice/news! Not really. But maybe?